Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Two for Tuesday

After being gone for two weeks Two for Tuesday returns with two photos I took of signs in Bristol, Virginia today. Many empty calorie grease laden fat filled foods are consumed Monday through Friday at the Burger Bar.
Sadly, the Cameo Theatre is not open anymore. It was a great old style movie theatre. I saw many films there including Airplane!, Dressed to Kill, and Friday the 13th. It closed for a time and then reopened as a church, then it closed again. Now the owners are trying to sell it. If I won the Mega Millions or Powerball jackpot I'd refurbish it and open it as an art house theatre.


Snad said...

Here's some trivia for you about the Burger Bar: Hank Williams had his last meal there. While it may not be the healthiest food in the world, his demise was in no way connected to the joint or its cuisine.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Snad-Wow, thanks for the trivia. I had no idea the humble Burger Bar played such an important role in the history of country music.

Whiskeymarie said...

Damn, now I want an empty calorie, grease-laden burger.

With fries.