Friday, November 9, 2007

Twin titans of the blog world

If you've ever wondered why I love my Morning Martini, then check this out. My gal Pissed Off Patricia says more in a few sentences than most people say in a day.
If you've ever wondered why I think Samurai Frog is a genius, aside from the fact that he drafted me into running for President, then this post is one of the many reasons why I revere him and his blog so much. It makes me smile when I realize that he may one day teach children in the fine schools in his area of Illinois.
It's ever so nice to be blogging along side such intelligent people like Pissed Off Patricia and Samurai Frog. I want to be just like them when I grow up.


pissed off patricia said...

When you grow up? Hell, I refuse to grow up. It's adults who stink up the place and make a mess of things. Let's promise to never grow up but instead just grow older.

My face is a little pinker than normal after reading your kind words about Morning Martini. What a nice note to end my week on, thanks to you.

Here's a kiss on the cheek and a cyber hug just for you. :)

dguzman said...

Again I say AMEN to you, my future president.

Frederick said...

...and how Patricia does it all with out stat counters or any links is beyond me.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

POP-Aww shucks, Thanks.


Frederick-She does it with her sterling writing.