Thursday, November 29, 2007

True employment tales

When I worked for White's Truck Tires I had to buy tires from wholesalers from time to time. One of our wholesalers employed a guy they nicknamed "Crowbar." One day I asked why they called him that. "Is it because he's tough like a crowbar?," I asked innocently. The guy I was talking to shook his head no, "We call him Crowbar because on his first day here someone asked him how they separated the men from the boys where he came from and he said, 'With a crowbar.'" From then on I preferred using them over any of our other wholesalers.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

hahaha, a broom and a garden hose wouldn't do the trick?

dguzman said...

That story makes me a tad uncomfortable.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barb-Evidently not, he must have been born in West VA.

Dguz-I knew the joke wouldn't hit everyone but I always thought it was funny.