Saturday, November 17, 2007

My favorite Mormon

He's not perfect and he hasn't done all he could do to stop the excesses of the Bush junta, in my opinion, but he's dead on with this pro forma Senate sessions thing over the holiday. Bush and his recess appointments be damned. That bastard won't be able to slip in another John Bolton-esque nominee while ol' Harry is on the job. Thanks for finally getting a spine, standing up to Bush, and to stopping the spread of cronyism.


Fran said...

I could not agree more and he only has one wife!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Fran-One wife we know of.

dguzman said...

No kidding--but it seems like every time I admire him for doing something good, he flips over and plays dead on some other issue. He drives me kinda nuts.