Monday, October 1, 2007

Who's up for a Circle burger?

Anybody? Anybody? What about you Mr. Hoback?


Missy said...

Mmm, burgers.

Distributorcap said...

somehow i see a very old Alice and Flo serving me a blue burger in a stained plate

Generalissimo (Dictator) for life said...

As long as these circle burgers don't turn you blue after you eat thhem.

Katie Schwartz said...

love the sign, it's so vinty. do they make veggie burgers?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Circle burger sounds dirty.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...


Dcap-You're not too far off.

Dr. E-It depends on if the beef was fresh.

Jewgirl-Those women laugh at the thought of veggie burgers hon. But yeah that sign is vintage, it's been around since the 1960's.

Barb-Meat can indeed be dirty.