Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What's that?

Welcome to a new semi recurring feature here on Monkey Muck. Guess what the mystery thing correctly and you may win a prize!

The product in question may be a stain of some sort or it could be a liquid. Other times it could be small part of something bigger or it could be who the heck knows what. Bottom line is we'll toss up the photo and you can guess what it is! One winner will be chosen at random from all correct answers and that winner may be eligible to win a prize from the Monkey Muck prize vault. Just to whet your appetite some items currently in the prize vault are: a Curious George magnetic bookmark set, a checkbook cover, video game instruction booklets, a DVD double feature that has two crappy films on it, and a little leaflet that came with a pair of Columbia brand shoes.
My staff of attorneys from the firm of Big Hair Crazy Expression & Cleavage insist that I put the following disclaimer in this post: Not all winners will receive prizes. Not all prizes will be available at all times. Prizes will be awarded and sent depending on the mood of Dr. Von Monkerstein, if you win and you've wrote a lame ass comment that week then you may not get a prize. All prizes are subject to local taxes and should not be handled by women who are pregnant or who may wish to become pregnant in the future or in the past if they have a time machine that works. Prizes may not be transferred, sold into indentured slavery, or traded for a tuna fish sandwich and a promising farm team prospect. In order to get a prize you must furnish your address when asked, if you give an incorrect address and I find out about it then I may get pissed and where would we be then? No livestock was harmed in the making of this disclaimer and let's keep it that way shall we. Winners of prizes may be asked to congregate in the fellowship hall of whatever church I deem necessary and to furnish a covered dish and a non high fructose corn syrup sweetened soda if I so choose. Pictures and descriptions of Major League Baseball games can and will be used without the expression written consent of the commissioner of Major League Baseball. Any winners who are caught wearing clashing plaids will be applauded and sent on their merry way. By guessing what the mystery thing is you agree to all my terms and conditions now and to whatever I may add or subtract in the future.

Ok then, lets get this party started! What is the mystery thing in this picture?

Leave your guesses in the comments section.


Infidel753 said...


Casper the Friendly Ghost receiving an enema?

A puddle of foam from when you last washed your car?

Evidence that there is a (male) dinosaur in your neighborhood who is into, er, self-gratification?

kelsi said...

i like how infidel stuck a real guess in the middle there.
how very coy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone put to much powder in the laundry again. Tsk tsk.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Spittle from a toothbrushing session utilizing the brand new Crest Pomegranate Explosion toothpaste.

Unknown said...

I cheated with photoshop so I shant guess today. I will say it's prettier than mine. You need to shake that thing (screen) more often.

Ubermilf said...

Everyone else is guessing soap bubbles of one sort or another.

I'm going to guess a patch of melting snow.

Missy said...

Shaving cream

Or pink shampoo!

Or rabi flamingo spit?

Angry Ballerina said...

The rough consistency tells me that it's not cocaine. The jagged out line tells me that it's not Evil Spock's shit for brains....Is it detergent?

Devilham said...

Being from Boston (the birthplace of my guess, well, actually the birthplace is Lynn, but it's right up the street, stop being so picky!), I would guess you dropped a bottle of fluff on the floor, while making a peanut butter and fluff sandwich.

Splotchy said...

Spiderwebs on a picnic table (coincidentally, also the title of my upcoming autobiography)

XUP said...

cotton candy in the throes of an epileptic fit. I'm right, right? Oh ya - I'm right, I'm right, I'm right. In your face everybody else.

Freida Bee said...

That's the result of my eating and then throwing up a jar of Miracle Whip someone brought to a church potluck last night. The blood tinged the frothy mixture to make the lovely pinkness.

Mr. Monkey was kind enough to wash it off the side of my car at the car wash.

splord said...

An example of the wasteful practices in today's society, in the form of car wash spooge that continues even after you've switched the little knob from "brush" to "spray", thus contaminating the environment and causing you to stop and take a picture, thereby wasting precious seconds of timer and requiring that you trudge all the way to the change machine and, having only a fiver in your wallet, being forced to carry $4.25 in quarters around in your pockets for the rest of the afternoon, until you stop at the "Hot Spot" and try to pay for the "two hot dogs for a dollar" and the "Dr. Enuf" and the king size Reese's Cups with the aforementioned quarters and the brain-damaged clerk takes longer to count the seventeen (out of twenty-one) quarters than it took you to take your morning dump today and, oh, you want to buy a LOTTO ticket, so that's the other four quarters and now you're done.

Am I right?

Suzy said...

It's a Blanc Mange, of course, and soon we will all turn into Scotsmen.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Excellent guesses everyone and all those who guessed car wash soap you win a prize! Your prize this week is you get to step outside and enjoy a sun set and when you do, think of me!

We'll do another one next week. Stay tuned.