Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I make quite the impression

The National Storytelling Festival is going on this weekend in Jonesborough, TN, which is about eight miles to the southwest of us. It's wildly over priced and they try to sell you books or CD's every time you take a breath but it's till a neat event.

Sparky used to live in Jonesborough and when they put on the Storytelling Festival we would sit in her backyard and listen to the ghost stories for free. When we first started dating she invited her Mom and her sister over to listen along with us in her backyard. I had met her sister before then and we hit it off right away so I was not worried there, but this was the first time I was going to meet her mother in the context of being "The New Boyfriend."

Everything was going fine through most of the evening, we all sat and talked and listened. We all sat in Sparky's back yard under a walnut tree that was heavy with walnuts. They'd periodically fall and we'd laugh and go on with our business. One big walnut fell and it nearly hit Sparky's mom in the head. She laughed and said, "That nearly hit in right on top of my head." I piped up and said, "Well, maybe it would have knocked some sense into you." A deathly silence fell over everyone at the table, then her mother gave a weak laugh and Sparky quickly changed the subject.

To this day her mother reminds me of that night and my comment almost every time we get together. And they say elephants have long memories.


Jess Wundrun said...

Ha ha ha. Always important to get started on the right foot. What purpose would it serve if she thought you were a kiss-ass toady?

Anonymous said...

If that's the worst thing you ever say, Sparky's mom should feel lucky!

I think one of the last things I said to The Honey's grandma (his ma was already dead) included calling her "old woman" and informing her that unlike her blood relatives, I wasn't going to take her abuse.

So.......you're not so bad. Really.

pissed off patricia said...

We women never forget screw ups, it's just our nature ;)

GETkristiLOVE said...

You should have went for the nut joke instead. Okay, maybe not.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jess-That's what I thought too, I thought I'd let her know just what kind of joker I was.

Dcup-I have since said worse things around her but they were about George Bush.

Pissed-Now you tell me. Oh well better late than never.

Kristi-Nothing like a nut joke is there?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Does she at least still bake you a nice birthday cake? Or does she just through a walnut at your bean and shreak "Happy Birthday"?

Angry Ballerina said...

I love reading shit like this, makes you more human and less super monkey. (More like me, a flawed silly human)