Saturday, August 25, 2007

Your date is here

I didn't know your were dating ol' Johnny One Nut again. You two do make a cute couple.


GETkristiLOVE said...

But, I prefer petunias and avocados.

Matthew Hubbard said...

Boy, John Kruk got old fast, didn't he?

Dr. Zaius said...

If I was walking around with a coconut and a bunch of flowers, I would wear a hat and shades too! Low profile, low profile...

Whiskeymarie said...

What he lacks in the nut department, he makes up with in charm.
That's my Johnny...

Fran said...

I knew I should have waited a little longer to settle down...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Getkristi-The first thing one learns in improv class is to agree and add. The joke is always funnier if you agree and add.

Matty-Working for ESPN has been hard on him.

Dr. Z-I agree 100%. The lower the better when one is pushing tropical fruit.

Whiskey-Johnny's a charmer all right, he's always so nice at the glory hole!

Fran-Better to have loved and lost than never to have tasted the charms of Johnny One Nut.