Sunday, August 5, 2007

Yo Jesus, I'm ready when you are...

Oh crap, it's not "The Rupture!," it's the rapture. Oh well, I guess I'll try to get my $5.95 back now.


Anonymous said...

"allows body freedom"

I did not know my body was in captivity.

"Free My Body!"

Anonymous said...

I laughed and laughed again.

If there is a rapture, can you imagine the rupture of people when they discover that they can't drive their SUVs through the eye of the camel, and how shock edthey'll be to learn that there are no McMansions on the other side?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

MWB-Viva body freedom!

D Cup-Those people you speak of who say they are going to heaven, aren't.