Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who's worse?

The draft dodging rocker who advocates the murder of Obama, Hillary, and Fienstein simply because they are not of the same Reich wing political stripe as him

the Dixie Chicks who simply stated that they were ashamed that the bloodthirsty tyrant who stole the White House in 2000 and 2004 was from the same state they were?
We voted with our wallets on this issue. We never bought a Dixie Chicks CD before Natalie spoke out against the President but we damn sure did afterwards. We never ever bought a Nugent CD and we never ever will.
Thank goodness that all three of the Dixie Chicks had kids as well, that's more people they can positively influence. Nugent fans on the other hand will most likely get so drunk and hopped up after seeing their idol that they'll drive home and crash into a tree or shoot themselves in a "hunting" accident.
I'm waiting for the Reich wing TV news station and for all the Reich wing radio hosts to decry what Nugent said and to call for a boycott of his music, but I'm not holding my breath.


J.D. said...


Goddesses among insects and arrogant insects.

Fran said...

Monkey- u da best. Luv chix hate ted!

Hill said...

Gotta love that Nuge. There he was draft age during Nam.

Did he seek a conscientious objector status? Hell no.

He just shit his pants for ONE FULL WEEK. Same pants. Never changed 'em.

The Draft Board said "No, thanks."


Manly Man!

Missy said...

Oh I love the Dixie Chicks!

SamuraiFrog said...

Bill Maher had a great line about what Ted Nugent said during his concert: "I was shocked. Ted Nugent still has concerts?"

Life As I Know It Now said...

Is that really Ted? Where do you get these pictures?

So, who is worse? Ted is, hands down. Maybe he should join the Sentor from Idaho in the restroom and keep the fuck away from us normal people!

Marie Warner said...

I'm with you. I bought my first Dixie Chicks cd after that lovely display of free speech.

Why isn't the Nuge being arresting like that 70-something year old man who said they hung the wrong man? (saddam)?? Hmm?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

JD-Goddesses yes.

Fran-Y U B ghetto all of a sudden? U B craze to the eee. :)

Glenda-He is a repugnant asshole he is.

Missy-Oh me too girl.

Samurai-That is one funny line dude.

Liberality-I use Google Images mostly.

Marie-Interesting point. If I could I'd swear out a warrant against thatfraud myself.

dguzman said...

I lived in Texas when the Chicks brouhaha went down. I couldn't believe all the idiot rednecks around me, playing their "We'll put a boot in yer ass" stupid-white-boy anthems and pretending they were patriots. Fucking morons.

Blueberry said...

So why doesn't the Secret Service go get the guy with the death threats? Are they scared of him? I guarantee they'd come after me if I said all that crap that he said, but then I'm not armed... or dangerous.

Micgar said...

Ted is definitely in my top 5 of people I very very strongly dislike. (yes the incident made me want to buy DC's albums!
Of course Nugent was on the usual right wing shows and everything he said was just so cute and funny! "Isn't he opionionated!?" Dennis Miller laughed at Ted's every word. (not like he doesn't laugh at everything said on his dumbass show!