You'll have to leave a name next time you try to post your stupid long ass comment shit. I suggest you grow the fuck up, move out of your parents basement, take a shower, and try to interact with people normally. Who knows, one day if you stop acting like an ass you might get to kiss a girl and touch her boobies, or even see her naked! Until that day however, go crawl back under your fort in your parents basement and keep going to people's blogs and leaving your stupid screed in their comments section and keep whacking off to your well worn photos of Melissa Joan Hart and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Oh, Monkey - that's just not fair! You go and get us all excited and then you don't let us read Anonymous Asswipe's comments. WTF!?!?!?
I mean, really! I'm practically slavering here wondering what AA said. If you deleted it, you'll have to tell me about it on Saturday.
And speaking of Saturday, don't bring a dish with any of that canned meat or rhutabaga crap, got it? Good.
Canned meat sir, is the pinnacle of fine dining! Actually, it's nasty, but it's been my screen name for years now, and I am slow to change.
Having read it- or at least started to read it, I am, for one, glad it is gone.
It spooked the not-easily-spooked! Be afraid people, be very, very afraid.
Hey - maybe it was Rove now that he has some spare time??
Anyway, great comeback Dr. MVM.
Such are the perils of good blogging.
I got that same comment; it's suddenly everywhere. I made it about two sentences in, then gave up. From the stuff that caught my eye... man, there are a lot of assholes out there. Just because I have a blog doesn't mean I have to give them equal time.
Yeah, I got it too (twice); deleted it both times.
I'll let a lot of comments go by on my blog, even the fun personally abusive stuff I got when I dissed an American Idol finalist.
Just so long as it addresses the obstensible topic under discussion.
But it's not a place for free plugs of whackjobs (or anybody, really).
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