Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Check it before you wreck it

Big ups go to my man DJ Splotchy for putting together the first bloggers edition of The Green Monkey Mix. The GMM, as us cool kids refer to it, can be found here. Splotchy, mix master extraordinaire and father of several cool kids, is the ringleader of this mix. Also throwing down the jams on this one are the lovely Beth from A Cup of Coffey, the Calgary cutie pie Barbra of Bad Tempered Zombie, and yours truly, although I got to admit that next to their selections, mine look positively puny.

The theme of the mix is "total absorbtion." We all picked songs that we get totally absorbed in while we listen to them. It's a bitchin' set of tunes and many thanks go to Splotchy for all his work in putting it together.

Splotchy, for all you do this toast is for you!

Go, listen, and rock that body while you do!


Cup said...

I think we four made music a bit cooler today.

And, Monkster, you gotta stay out of my baby book; that photo is a family secret!

Fran said...

Music - GREAT. Mad props to Splotchy!

And I never met a LOLZ cat I didn't like!

Whiskeymarie said...

Great choices all around.
Good job.

Splotchy said...

Monkey, I graciously take your toast and give you a deferential bow.

Thanks a lot for participating, man.

I had only heard the first two of the songs you offered. I'm looking forward to hearing more by these artists, particularly Rank and File.

That's what mixtapes are all about -- sharing the love and the music.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Beth-You mean you spent your toddler years drunk like I did?

Fran-Splotchy is the food of love, or was that music?

Whiskey-Glad you liked it my dear.

Splotchy-If you are not smiling by the end of 'Post Office Wall' then you are not human.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Oh hai! You are going to make me do a tonne (that's close to a ton in American) of listening to some new songs now. And I have to love you for that.

Wasn't that a fun game?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barbara-I am convinced that no one rocks harder in Canada than you.