The other black woman who rocked our Live Earth world was Macy Gray. It looked like she'd just smoked up most of the pot in Brazil before she went on, but Macy managed to tear it up, rip it up, rock it up, chew it up, smash it up like Godzilla over Tokyo, eat it up, spit it out, and do it all over again. We were off the scale amazed at the show Macy and her band and her back up singers put on. I bow down to Macy Gray from now on.
Lenny Kravitz did a great job but all the time I watched him I kept thinking, "Somewhere Terrence Trent Darby is sitting in a below ground apartment shouting at the TV 'That's supposed to be me! He's got my career!'" Ah, well there you go Terrence, perhaps if you hadn't been such an ass to your record company after your second album tanked, then you may still be recording today.
I dug the Police, who closed the NY/NJ show. I liked it when they brought out John Mayer to play with them and even Kanye "George Bush does not like black people" West's cameo with the pale lads was an interesting diversion.
It was nice to see UB40 again.
I loved seeing Pink Floyd, oops sorry David Gilmour, I meant I loved seeing Roger Waters as Pink Floyd again, don't worry Davy boy, you'll still get a nice royalty check for the songs he sang. It was nice to see ol' Rog do some of PF's best and when he brought out the chorus of black kids to back him up on Another Brick in the Wall part 2 it gave me the biggest goofiest grin to see those kids have so much fun with an old white guy. Seriously, when they started dancing behind him, it was adorable.
The Smashing Pumpkins I never have cared for and The Foo Fighters only rate an "okay" in my book. Madonna scared me though. I always feel like I'm gonna get an STD just from watching her. Ewwww.
If you ask me, Sundance Channel had the best coverage, although if I see that Robert Redford promo for The Green one more time I may commit second degree murder. As usual the big corporate network, NBC, showed mostly only American bands and when they showed bands from Asia, they did not even bother to give the names of said Asian bands. Oh well. They must think that money only speaks English and that they can write off all those yellow slanty eyed folk.
I liked the shows, the party, and the message. It's going to be fun to listen to the Reich wing corporate hacks slam the event and bad mouth Al for doing something positive. But you know what? No matter what they say, Al got his message across and nothing they say or do will stop people from doing at least some small thing to help stem the tide of climate change. And they can't stop all the kids he's influenced either. So suck on that MalkinExxonMobilCoultergiestFOXComedynews, suck on that.
Sounds like a great time!
It was! You should have been there.
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