First of all Bob, you're wrong about going to heaven (Christians should skip ahead to point number two as I am going to contradict your religion now). There is no such thing as heaven so therefore you will not be going there. Your musty old ass will be tossed into the ground and at some point after that you will become worm food, the groundhogs will be bringing your mail, and your body will take the dirt nap for eternity. But if there was a heaven and one got in it by following the rules and guidelines laid out in the Bible, then you would not be going there because you have not lived according to the precepts laid out in said Bible. In fact, you seem almost gleeful about taking every position opposite to that which Jesus would have taken.
Secondly Bob, blogging is not something new, it actually began shortly after access to the printing press became available to the unwashed masses.
You see Bob, higher education years ago in the 17th, 18th, and even the 19th centuries meant that men, and unfortunately for us it was mostly men because women were denied education due to the ignorance and fear of men like you, studied only three things in colleges and universities, mathematics, Greek, and Latin.

Thankfully though, some smart people found a way to share with others their opinions on those things that mattered to them. What they did Bob was write essays, and yes Bob basically what we bloggers do is write essays, which they then took to a local printer who printed them and then they posted them in public places for all to read. As a result many other people who did not go to college or university read these primitive blog posts and their opinions and beliefs were shaped as a result. Many social movements of the day, including the anti slavery movement and the women's suffrage movement, gained many supporters as a result of reading these postings by people.
Of course not everyone was happy about this business of people who were not in power having the gall to express their opinions and influencing others. The people in power tried to stop them when they could by tearing down their pamphlets and discrediting the writers of said pamphlets and essays. They also employed people like you Mr. Novak to write and say bad things about the writers who had the balls (and or ovaries as the case may be) to write things that contradicted the white men in charge of things.

So now Bob as you can see what we bloggers do is just what our rabble rousing ancestors did years ago. While they printed up their essays and spread their thoughts, beliefs, and opinions through posting their essays on walls and buildings, we put ours online. And just like then, scared old people like you try to stop and discredit us, but unfortunately for you, just like them we influence others and we are helping shapes the world to come, unlike your soon to be dead ass is.
So there you go Bob. I hope you were paying attention and that you learned a little something, but you know what? I doubt you did because it's hard as hell to teach an old dog like you new tricks.
Love this post. Thanks Monkey
Sean-No sir, thank you for reading my blog. I'm glad to know an old friend is keeping up with my slow descent into insanity. You, my old friend, are going to be a subject of a blog post in the next few days.
All I can say is, there IS a heaven, at least for me, and it bears a strong resemblance to Fiddler's Green, and there's no f*cking way that douchebag Novak is getting past the bouncer.
You know me, not a believer in heaven or hell, but my friends from hell assure me that there's a special place reserved for Novakula. Let's just hope that it has speeches by Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Hillary Clinton, JFK, LBJ and Nancy Pelosi piped in on a looped audio for all eternity.
Bubs-I don't mean to demean your beliefs, I have mine and you have yours.
D Cup-I imagine Reagan and Nixon are in that place where Novack is headed if you are right.
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