Thursday, June 7, 2007

Reason #489 Why We Won The First Cold War

Their arcade video games sucked ass and ours rocked.

Theirs:Stick It to Me
In Gorodki, the stick is aimed by moving the joystick left and right. The "throw" button, or brosok, is on top in red. The goal is to collect as many sticks in the basket as possible. (Via Wired)



Evil Spock said...

They created the equivalent to video game crack: Tetris

Yay for the Cold War! Evil Spock can't wait for Red Dawn II!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

We dropped many a quarter in quite a few Tetris machines in our day.

Anonymous said...

I won't even try to keep up withe boys and all their tetristosterone. I stuck to Galaga and the PacMan games.

And here's a question. What does the Cold War mean for global warming?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Galaga and the family of Pac Man games ruled as well and I spent a small fortune playing them too.

With that idiot in the White House it can't mean anything good for us.

Matthew Hubbard said...

I was writin' video games back when the Cold War was the big damn deal, and I gotta point out that the games you call ours are actually Japanese.

Just sayin'.