I went to a small liberal arts college in east TN by the name of King College. It was then, as it is now, a conservative school with a decidedly Christian bent. In fact if you bend over, they shove their religion up there too. All students had to take four Bible and religion classes in order to graduate. We had to take one class called 'Old Testament Survey' and another called 'New Testament Survey.' One then got to choose the others from a pool of classes that included such scintillating choices as 'General Epistles,' 'Psalms,' and 'Comparative Religion or Yes, Everybody Who is not a Christian is Going to Hell, Even the Chosen People.'
My story took place one day in Old Testament Survey class.
I was sitting there half asleep listening to the professor drone on about animal sacrifices and Goliath or some nonsense like that when he called on this girl in my class to summarize the paper she had written for class about David slaying some Philistines.
The girl he called name was Ruth G. (I'll protect her some but people who went to King College in the early 1980's will know who I am talking about) and she was a pretty innocent God Squadder. For those of you who do not know, a God Squadder is a person who has their evangelical religion shoved so far up their ass it comes out of their mouth.

She then ran her right index finger back and forth across her forehead as she said, "And I think this is the area of skin that is known as 'foreskin.' "
It took every ounce of self control not to say something smart assed to her. We all snapped our heads around to look at Ruth, most of us incredulous that a college age woman did not know what the hell a foreskin was. The professor, sensing that the polite chuckles were about to turn into loud guffaws, said, "Uhh, no Ruth, the foreskin is the excess skin around the end of a man's penis." As soon as the word 'penis' had left his mouth Ruth looked like someone had socked her in the stomach and she turned bright crimson. I looked away and bit my lip.
After class I ran out the door and rushed to tell this story to all my friends. And of course for the next few years when we saw Ruth mincing about on campus or holding forth on her love for Jesus we'd smile at her and tap our foreheads.

I shudder to think of the damage she did to Franco American relations and sometimes I wonder if she and Pete had any male children. And if they did, were those boys running around without turtle necks?
This was not a work friendly blog. But Boss Man disagrees, since I made him read it.
Tell your boss man to get the hob nail boot of oppression off your throat.
Boss Man "I am not only the dictator, I'm judge, jury and executioner."
Angry Ballerina - do you work for Dick Cheney? Run! Run! Run!
Dr. MVM - pity the French. Slandered by BillO, dissed by our Congress, painted as pussies in our media. AND they had to put up with fundie freakshows?
I wonder if your schoolmaates realized that most of the French are Christians, too. Oh, wait. They're Catholics. Nevermind.
The French are indeed heroic for putting up with all those things you mentioned D Cup. One day I hope to go there and toast them and drink as much of their wine as I can as well.
Je pense que les Français sont les catholiques athées. At least they are now.
Two of my great aunts were nuns. At their convent were many old German nuns who were sent to the United States as missionaries in the early 1900's. FWIW.
"Uhh, no Ruth, the foreskin is the excess skin around the end of a man's penis."
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By now, that prof may have read the recent report that the foreskin is not "excess" but is definitively the best part of the penis, possessing over half the sensual nerve endings and comprising about 16 square inches of adult sexual interface:
British Journal of Urology
Thanks for sharing jess.
I seriously doubt that prof ever read anything in the British Journal of Urology Ron.
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