Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It used to be just us...

...who thought that the Idiot in Chief would pull something in 2009 in order to stay in office but today we saw this on Politits:

When Dubya finally decides that he won't be leaving office and that something catastrophic has happened and he has to declare martial law, it won't be the troops who enforce his newly issued edicts. Nosireee.

We have always hated to imagine the the awful prospect of another four years of those venal bastards ruining our country and another four year of those idiots raping Iraq and Afghanistan and killing thousands upon thousands people in their insatiable lust for power, oil, and the love of Jeebus, but we honestly thought that it was just our paranoid little monkey brains that cooked up that little recipe. So thats what makes D Cup's post so troubling. If we think about that nightmare scenario it's okay, it's just our little problem, but if others are imagining it as well, then we better batten down the hatches and Katie bar the fucking door because it just may come to pass.

Holy crap, we were reasonably optimistic this morning until we saw someone else shared our fears of BushwithoutendAmen. Now we feel like doing this:


Anonymous said...

Oh, no. I didn't mean to make you scream....but I'm glad it's not just me.

Your non-simian pal,

Sister Mary Sunshine

P.S. I can't stop looking at your monkey.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

To paraphrase a dead german philosopher, "Sometimes when you stare into the monkey, the monkey also stares into you."