Monday, May 21, 2007

A hero for our times

On Saturday, as the ten and a half readers of this blog may remember, we attended a conference on the menace known as 'Depleted Uranium' that was sponsored by Christian Peacemakers. We promised to write more about the talk Dr. Mohammed Daud Miraki, and some of you may remember that we promised to write about that yesterday. Well we did not get around to it damn it, we monkeys after all not saintly Belgian doppelgangers who keep their word all the time. Please accept our apology and do read the following report about this courageous Afghan, Dr. Miraki.

Dr. Miraki is a highly educated academic, he has, if we remember this part correctly, two MA's and a PHD. Despite having these advanced degrees and a burning desire to teach Dr. Miraki is not employed in academia any more due to his controversial theories on who was behind the 9/11 travesty, oops we meant 'tragedy.' While he may not be teaching at any college or university he is putting his time and talents to work teaching the world at large. Dr. Miraki is a well known speaker on DU (depleted uranium) weapons and the state of his home country after Bush and the war without end amen machine gave it "democracy."

Dr. Miraki pointed out in his all to brief talk this past Saturday the following things that have taken place in his home country since the USA kindly shoved our western style "democracy" down their throats:

  • 99.9 percent of Afghans still live in abject poverty.

  • It has the highest infant mortality rate in the world.

  • Life expectancy of the men of Afghanistan is 45 yrs of age and 44 yrs of age for women.

  • 50,000 orphans roam the streets of Kabul. And some of those orphans are forced into prostitution to make money for their families.

  • There is one doctor for every 7066 Afghans, while there is one soldier for 742 Afghan citizens.

  • 70% of the citizens of Afghanistan are malnourished.

  • Only 10% of the population has electricity.

  • Most of the citizens of Afghanistan will curse at you if you ask them if their life is better now after the 'liberation' of their country.

  • Millions of dollars that are supposedly for the rebuilding of the country are spent on salaries for the employees of the NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) and corporations that are supposed to be rebuilding the country, companies such as Halliburton and Kellog Brown and Root.

  • Hospitals, schools, highways, human waste removal projects remain unbuilt or unrepaired.

Perhaps worst of all is the fact that there are still tens of thousands of land mines still buried in the country and thousands of acres of land will be unfarmable forever due to the use of depleted uranium weapons. In fact due to the use of DU weapons Afghan women in certain parts of the country suffer from spontaneous abortions, that is to say their body spontaneously aborts the fetus. And sadly, some of the women who are lucky enough to carry their babies to term give birth to children that suffer from horrible birth defects, some of which had been previously unknown to the medical world.

And yet despite all the horrid things that have taken place in his home country after Bush's war with out end amen machine took over, Dr. Miraki remains hopeful. He pointed out that no nation or people ever conquered his native land for long. He remains committed to speaking out and to cutting through the lies that come from the thugs in the White House and from the corporate media. He will, he says, go back to Afghanistan and run for President in the next Presidential election.

We here at Monkey Muck feel honored to have seen this man in person and to hear his story. We are proud to call this righteously angry Afghan patriot one of our heroes and we are proud to once again provide the link to where you can buy his book.

If you ever need us Dr. Miraki just call and we'll be there to fight the bastards in the NGOs, the Halliburton theives, and the idiot Neo-cons along with you.


Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...
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Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

the ten and a half readers of this blog

I am afraid to ask about the half...