This six part show is a gripping adaption of a Martina Cole novel. It tells the story of two kids who got thrown together at a young age and who manage to take divergent paths but somehow always find each other no matter what. Toss in stylish British gangsters, drag queens with hearts of gold, and IRA killers, and you've got yourself a neat little series. I watched this one on Hulu Plus.
I didn't think they'd be able to top season 2 of this show but holy shit, they did. I've read the first two and a half books in this series, pretty much what's been covered up to now in the TV show, and they've done a masterful job of cutting the fat and telling the best of the story. I just finished season 3 and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for season 4.
I just started watching this show on Hulu Plus. It's a comedy about a fuck up kind of guy and his buddy and their girlfriends. It reminds me a lot of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It's comedy of the uncomfortable where you can only guess to what lows Frank will stoop to, or to what lows others think he will stoop to. It's funny in an odd sort of way, I'm guessing it's the Danish sense of humor. The whole series is on Hulu Plus. And the movie is on Netflix.
Chloe Sevigny plays an Irish male to female transsexual hitman in this six part series that is currently airing on Netflix. She's really good in this role, and quite sexy too. At the start of the series she finds out she's fathered a son with a now dead old girlfriend. She goes to meet her son and she ends up becoming the mother figure for him and his siblings, who share different fathers. The kids in this series are stand outs, as is Ms. Sevigny.
This charming gem of a show is about an Irish boy with an active imagination. Chris O'Dowd plays his imaginary friend who helps him navigate his way through his family, school, and life in general. It's winning, winsome, and a ton of sweet natured fun. This one is playing on Hulu Plus.
I'm about four episodes into Family Tree and it's a winner. It's low key comedy that is character, not catch phrase based. My favorite character is the gal who plays Chris O'Dowd's sister. She uses her 'talking monkey' to say all the things she wants to say but feels like she can't say herself. She's hilarious and so is this show.
I'm also making my way through Mad Men on Netflix. It's good but it's not the greatest TV show ever, like some people make it out to be. My favorite character is creepy Glenn.
Mad Men will sneak up on you and then you will realize it IS the greatest show ever :D
I was not excited about watching "Mad Men" but like previous poster mentioned, it will sneak up on you. However, it's a dark, depressing look at the 60s, and since I was a teen back then, it truly captures that decade. Everything from clothing & hair styles, to the suburban mom boredom, everything seems very authentic.
Best comment I read was one about Don: "You really want to like Don, but you just can't." Yeah.
Hang in with the's worth it.
I watched all 64 episodes, usually one every night before bedtime. Miss it now that I've finished; the characters DO grow on you...which that network is known for, creating interesting characters.
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