If the Communist riddled public school system was really beneficial it would teach children to shut up and never question captains of industry like me and my brothers. Instead it teaches them that none of them should be left behind, that they are valuable people, and the old Communist pastime, how to stand in lines:

Kids in schools today aren't learning things like how to shine the shoes of their betters or how to serve corporations more effectively. Instead they're using schools to drain your local community of tax dollars that go to frivolous things like medical attention to kids that are clearly faking illness. It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that the little girl in the photo below can work despite having a 'foot problem.' I know damn well that if I kicked those crutches out from under her freeloading arms she'd fall down and be able to pick peas and beans and other food crops.

Let's face it America, if you have to pay more and more taxes to support these little brats who should be working instead of sitting on their little asses then instead of being able to afford boxes of mac and cheese, fancy mustards, bologna, and fortified wine, you'll have to eat goldfish.

Let's take a page from the book of foreign schools and do things on the cheap like they do. If we have classes outside then we won't have to do maintenance on big expensive schools anymore, and in fact, we can sell them off to deserving corporations.

We could also adopt the European practice of ritualized murder of Christian children. Less kids in our public schools means we can have less public education and we wipe out a generation of annoying do gooder Christians. It's a win win.

Ah, yes. The usual Monkey Muck pinpoint accuracy.
And that's exactly what they're thinking I'm afraid.
Thanks for the laugh. I'm glad someone's keeping their eye on thugs like me.
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