Two out of three Presbyterians agree that people who wear glasses are a threat to the American way of life.

Three out of three Presbyterians agree that you can split the world into two groups of people, those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't.

One out of three Presbyterians agrees that the other two make a cute couple if they were gay.

And this Presbyterian agrees with the voices in his head that tell him that this is a lame post.
No Presbyterians were harmed in the making of this post and there were no schisms in Presbyterian doctrine as a result of it either, which in and of itself is a minor miracle.
Having fun with your new vintage Presbyterian yearbook?
What confuses me, though, is that if people in glasses are a threat to the American way of Life, and all three individuals in the the Neil Diamond group have on glasses - does that make Neil Diamond a threat to the American Way or is he the foundation?
As always, Doctor, I look to you for illumination.
Looks like the Chinese are impressed!
One out of three Presbyterians scare me to death.
I wear glasses. I hope that I am a threat to that right-wing-nut-job American way of life.
I am willing to wager that over half those men have never had sex...
with a women...
I bet you'll never forget how to spell Presbyterian now.
Does the one with the funniest ears get to be bishop? Just askin'!
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