Thursday, July 1, 2010

A very short book report

This is one of the most well written and entertaining novels I have ever read:
I recommend it highly. And I'll definitely be reading more of this author's work in the future.


Life As I Know It Now said...

That is a short book report :)

splord said...

Have you read his book "The Little Country"? Wonderful!

(and you posted this today in honor of Canada Day, right?)

splord said...

BTW, another (Canadian) author along the same lines as de Lint is Tanya Huff, in case you're not familiar.

Dr. MVM said...

Actually Bob, it just worked out that way.

Wings1295 said...

Um, very short. No plot info for us?

Dr. MVM said...

I didn't want to give any of the plot away Wings and I also didn't want to prejudice anyone's view of this book. Some people see that it's a fantasy genre book and they'd give it an automatic pass or roll their eyes and judge it to be not for them, when in fact it's a really good entertaining novel worth reading, especially if you don't normally read fantasy style novels.

Wings1295 said...

Okay, my 2nd comment vanished.

Can you at least tell us if it is fantasy in the vein of The Princess Bride, or more like Hyperion?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's modern realist fantasy.

southernfemalelawyer said...

Just wrote the longest, most perfect comment ever and Blogger ate it. In summary, de Lint is good fantasy, Simmons rules. De Lint is folklore-based contemporary fantasy, simply laid out and easily read by the kids. Heavily influenced by native american and celtic stuff. Has his own fully-fleshed out fantasy city that appears in most work along with many recurring characters. Vess also illustrated some of his covers - very lovely.

I would put Simmons in another category entirely. I consider Simmons sci-fi, de Lint not at all sci-fi. While I enjoy de Lint, his work is much simpler than Simmons. More in line with Eddings, e.g.

southernfemalelawyer said...

Damn you Monkey and your cross-posts. Also, I *heart* you. Also if you read more de Lint you will notice that one of my children and one of his characters have the same name. It's a good name.

southernfemalelawyer said...

In the interests of full disclosure, I am a huge geek and have read all of de Lint's stuff AND all of Simmons. Well, except for Drood, which has been sitting in my must-reads for a while now. Shit I am lazy...

southernfemalelawyer said...

I also agree with the good Dr. I don't particularly like fantasy-fantasy, though I do like de Lint. The Dr. is absolutely correct that it isn't typical of the fantasy genre.

Dr. MVM said...

You can friend Mr. de Lint on Facebook SLF. I did.

Megan said...

Ooh, my liberry has it! Yessss!