"Why?," he asked.
I said, "Because I'm your father."
He recoiled in horror and said, "No! No, you're not! You're not my dad!"
I almost explained the whole Star Wars thing to him so he would get the joke but it was like 90 degrees with 125% humidity so I let it go and went inside to drink some sangria.
Kids can't take a joke.
Of course, now there is a ten-year-old with some identity issues...
You had no choice. Except perhaps to hurl him off a ledge.
Did you grab his dad and hurl yourself into the abyss?
Ha ha - what a great Fathers' Day lark!!
That is a story to be saved for when he get's married and everyone at the Reception will get the joke.
Another kid traumatized, my Simian Friend! Bet he will have an interesting relationship with his parents now!
I'm sort of shocked that a 10 year old wouldn't get the reference.
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