Sunday, April 4, 2010

This is why they lost two world wars

Sometimes when you look for hot war action, it finds you. Where you least suspect it.


SkylersDad said...

They see nothing! Nothing!!

Mnmom said...

Is that a pressure valve on the side of that helmet?

Anonymous said...

Here's what I never understand about Germans in movies and comic books and TV and stuff. How come they always speak English with a German accent instead of just speaking German? Because I'm German and when I go to Germany all the German people just speak German.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'm with you XUP. For year growing up I thought all the people in Rome spoke with British accents.

Nikos Fotakis said...

umm, why does the good guy refer to them as "beauties"? Am I the only one that finds it disturbing?

Anonymous said...


Worse is when Russians, Germans, or pretty much everyone in English-speaking movies always get played by North Americans feigning British accents. It's like foreign = British accent. I've never understood it.