Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sweet sweet swag

Look what my monkey ass got:
My buddy Keith got it for me.


MommyLisa said...

I saw that stuff at ACE hardware last year...they even have a chick version in pink!

Wings1295 said...

Congrats seems... wrong.

Barbara said...

Bought my brother a whole set for Christmas. Good times, good times.

Darius Whiteplume said...

First time I saw that was at Deal's Gap. Supposed to be good for long motorcycle rides, but who knows?

Nan said...

Think they sell that stuff at every convenience store in east Texas, although considering what the climate is like there it should come in larger bottles.

gmb said...

Um, what the hell is it's intended use?

gmb said...

Its, not it's. Oi.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's a talcum like powder gmb.

Blueberry said...

Hope your butt doesn't fall off after use.

I've seen that stuff in the impulse-purchase section of the checkout line at Whole Foods.