Friday, March 26, 2010

Elections have consequences

Experts warn that now that the health care reform bill has been signed into law that we'll see and upsurge in young Negro children emulating President Obama. These same experts say that now that the most powerful black man in the world has flexed his political muscle and got something accomplished that young Negroes may not be satisfied with washing our clothes and doing menial chores for God fearing white America.

They also may be emboldened enough to put salt into our happy hour cocktails.

And they may even be head strong enough to stick their tongues out while doing menial tasks.

If young Negroes are no longer willing to accept a life of servitude, then who will flip our switches?Who will hop around on one leg for our amusement?
And who will make small lights using tiny bulbs and batteries?
It's truly a frightening prospect warn experts at the Eagle Forum and the Cato Institute.

And the folks at the Family Research Council warn that if Negroes continue their ascent unabated then the next logical step is for young Hispanics to start to breathe in more than their share of the fresh air that Jesus gave to white America.

It's a good thing then that Pat Robertson has all the members of the 700 Club and his team of Asian orphans working on ways to keep those uppity blacks and Hispanics in their place.


ReaderRita said...

I am so glad I found your blog.

Laura said...

I swear, just today my 'young negro' stuck his tongue out at me when I told him to turn the light switch on.
Something has GOT to be done! :P

Very funny Dr.Von M!


DrGoat said...

Dr.M., You and Calvin's Cave keep me from slitting my wrists every morning.

SkylersDad said...

This had me laughing out loud so hard my wife came to see what was wrong with me!

Mnmom said...

Well we can't be having any of THAT! You don't really think they'll all want to breathe our AIR do you???