And now the part of the post you were looking forward to, my random thoughts on the Superbowl:
- It was a great game. Thank goodness it wasn't a defensive struggle or a blow out. Anyone who suffered through the Chuck Noll Superbowls and the ones where the Redskins blew out Denver and Chicago blew out New England know what I'm talking about.
- Best commercial of the night was the one for Late Night with David Letterman. How they got that asshole Leno to be in it is a mystery to me but damn that was one funny ad.
- Second best commercial was the one for Career Builder where everyone wore their undies for casual day.
- There is not enough money or advertising in the world to make me want to ever drink that piss swill they call Bud Light. Keep wasting your money on making that swilly piss water and keep on wasting money advertising that shit Anheuser Busch and I'll keep not drinking it and telling people who horrid it is.
- I didn't watch one second of the massive pre game. I did however have to suffer through about 15 minutes of the 'kick off' show.
- Thank gawd NBC didn't have the game this year because I absolutely hate Al Michaels.
I liked the Betty White/Abe Vigoda ad!
Saint's win!
I had the same thought about the Bud add.
The Saints will never be called the Ain'ts again!
The halftime show was a little disturbing though. It's OK that The Who are geriatric, because that's the way of all flesh; it's OK that Pete Townsend is stone deaf, because he can't help it. But he was doing FAKE (hand-synching) windmills, and that is just sad.
I'm with Wings, best ad was Betty White.
You'd think those women would look happy that the Saints won. Women look so much sexier when they are happy.
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