The 'Criminal' graphic novel series remains one of the best on the market. And this edition is as good as the other two I've read. This one is about a heist that goes wrong (Is there any other kind of heist?) and it's aftermath. There's no goody two shoes cops or hookers with hearts of gold or any other cloying stereotypes in this book. All the characters are dirty, some more than others. If you like gritty, violent, ultra realistic crime stories then this graphic novel and this whole series of graphic novels is for you.
If someone ever derisively says to me, "Aren't graphic novels just comic books?" and I have this graphic novel close by I'll use it to smack them upside their head in an effort to rid them of some of their cultural snobbery. A work like this is a comic book about like Guernica is just some shapes painted on a canvass.
Two, sometimes three or more, stories are being told in this bizarre graphic novel. The novel starts out being about the life of Asterios Polyp after his apartment burns down, then it also tells the story of his marriage, and his twin brother who was born dead. It also delves into philosophy, art theory, architecture, astrology, myths, legends, and a shit load more. Personally, I think it could have used some editing, there is such a thing as throwing too much at a reader.
The art is simple, spare, and stunning at times. And as usual, I appreciated that the author told so much of the story in wordless panels. If you're into the esoteric academic thing, then this graphic novel is up your alley. I liked parts of it but some of it left me cold.
I have never read a Crime novel before.
Sex is about the only thing that can hold my interest while reading.
No nookie.. no Laura readie... :D
Those both sound really interesting! I like comic books, people don't realize the amount of work that goes into them.
One of my favorites is "Preacher". Have you ever read it?
To much to throw at a reader. Crap - that's my waking nightmare right now and there are the words written on your blog! I'm taking it as a sign.
Graphic novels seem twice as hard to produce, so I do not get the cultural snobbery surrounding it either. You have to tell a good story and make pictures to go with it. I sure as hell couldn't accomplish that.
Glad you liked it. I don't think it is my cup of tea, but that's what makes the world great, right?
Monkey, do the authors do all their own drawings? I don't know much about this genre, so I'm hoping you can educate me.
If so, then I think it's great that the authors have so much control over the vision and the imagery; graphic novels can be so complete in their delivery of a story.
Some authors write and draw their own stories but it's more common for one to write and another to draw the story ENC.
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