Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have government run health care, Traitor Joe has it, and so should you

That's right. I have government run health care. I'm on Medicare. And before I had Medicare, I had TN Care, which was the TN version of Medicaid (they've since killed TN Care which is a shame because it paid for 100% of my open heart surgery). Medicare is good but it's not great. And I pay for it as well. The premiums are taken out of my SSDI checks every month. Every citizen in this country should be able to have what I have.

But in a more perfect world, we'd all have the same health care they have in Congress. You know, the plan Traitor Joe has. The plan he's fighting like hell to keep anyone else from getting. Which is not only a shame, it's a fucking crime if you ask me. That bastard was re-elected because he promised that he'd work for getting people health care. He promised he'd work to expand Medicare. But he's gone back on those promises. He's all in on the side of the insurance companies because they give him money to get re-elected and you poor people who aren't on government run health care like he is don't give him any so fuck you.

Maybe if everyone became an insurance company he'd work to protect you. If you gave him some cold hard cash that is. I hope you idiots who believed his lies in the last Senate race in CT are happy. You managed to not only fuck your state, you got the rest of the country's ass nailed by your traitor of a Senator as well. It's a shame that one filthy rich lying prick can derail health insurance for so many. I hope there is a hell so that when he dies he can get ass fucked by Jerry Falwell for all eternity there.

Do me a favor and don't tell Traitor Joe that I'm only 47 and on Medicare, if that bastard hears that news he'll start a campaign to get me tossed off it.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I think I see Traitor Joe pulling up to your place in the death panel van.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could wrap Traitor Joe in the same plastic Trader joes wraps all it's fruits and vegetables in.

He is the worlds largest douche bag!