Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dudes in diapers...

...stick a sword in their hand and their lust for killing takes over.


Anonymous said...

I can never resist a diapered man with a sword.

Laura said...

Thongor! Haha! Too funny.

Well of course he's killing things left right and center! Look at the little dish he's got tied up to a stake! Looks like when they do it they'll have easy access to each other anyway..



Wings1295 said...

Beware of dudes who can take a crap WHILE stabbing you!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Haha Wings!

They're not just any diapers - they're RED diapers. It's Santa!

Margaret Benbow said...

In the movie 300,all 300 of those Spartans looked like Thongor!

Blueberry said...

Shouldn't a guy named THONGOR be wearing a THONG... maybe... instead of the diaper?