Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts on current events

  • I don't think by any stretch of the imagination that President Obama deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize, after all we're still at war and we're still doing most all the Bush/Cheney fear inspired anti civil liberties bull shit stuff, but since they saw fit to award it to him, I'm happy about it. It makes me happy because it pisses off the right wing and those crazy anti Obama Hillary-ites still out there.
  • If this story about the Wall Street foxes who are still in charge of guarding our nation's financial hen house doesn't piss you off and make you fighting mad then you're either too stupid to know any better or you're a capitalist tool.
  • McCain now admits he and Palin weren't a winning combination. One day pretty soon he'll also admit he lost the Presidential race and that means that he doesn't get to have his way on matters of policy all the fucking time.
  • It's a good thing the rest of the nation isn't as dumb as California. If we were then we'd all be the broke laughingstock of the country too. And to add insult to injury, the idiot LA county DA says that all the medical marijuana dispensaries in LA are illegal. No shit they're illegal dumb ass, pot is still illegal everywhere in this country but do you really want to bust them and take away another revenue source for your cash strapped state?
  • Freedom of religion means that you are free to believe or not in all kinds of religions. It doesn't mean you get to use it as a defense if you kill your kid because you are too stupid to take him or her to the doctor when they get sick. Look at it this way you simpletons who insist on 'faith healing,' Jesus sent all those doctors and nurses for here for a reason, if you don't want to use them because you think Jesus will be mad at you that's totally cool as long as you are 18 or over.
  • The Republican party says Nancy Pelosi needs to be 'put in her place' and female Republicans say nothing. Really ladies? Really? Would you speak out if they beat her and then claimed she had it coming because she was so uppity?
  • If you want to piss off people on Facebook off then remind them that when they're praying for our occupying troops in Afghanistan and Iraq that they should also be praying for the hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis who we've displaced, orphaned, killed, maimed, and terrorized over the course of the war. And then remind them that praying for those people to become Christians doesn't count.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Once again you get it right. To me your anger is as sweet as rare wine. I almost feel sorry for those people who lost their kid despite all the praying they did. What makes me saddest is how they will now look to the same religion that killed their son for comfort which will only intensify their fucked up belief system. They will not have to face facts that themselves killed their child. If god invented eveything then he also created medicine, hostpitals and doctors.

Snad said...

* my concern is all the noxious gasses and hot air expelled by the fuming looneys on the right will put us over the tipping point on global warming.
* heh. You said "tool".
* waddaya bet Pailn's gonna come out and say that, by golly, this is just proof that those darn RNC people shoulda let her just run for Prez right off the bat, don'tcha know.
* if the government of California were smart they'd work with these dispensaries to put on the best bake sale in the world. That'd get them out of thei financial straits!
* I love the notion that they're thinning to herd, but I prefer the self-culling method.
* I'm waiting for Jim Inhofe to tell her to "get your bitch-ass in the kitchen and make me some pie!"
* I have decided to start praying that more Christians become Christian.

libhom said...

The irony is that Nancy Pelosi is a Republican woman.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Ugh, a thousand times ugh.
Politics is like a cheating but gorgeous lover. You want to walk away, but the allure is so strong.

MommyLisa said...

And Wells Fargo is being kind enough to raise everyone's credit card interest rate 3%.

Mnmom said...

I love the idea that the "best and brightest" who need taxpayer supported bail outs and bonuses STILL haven't learned a single god-damned thing.

Elizabeth said...

Ah, nothing like a good bracing rant! And you're right, of course, about all of it. I'd love it if they'd let you run the country for a day.