What happens when you go to bed with seven guys in matching suits?

You wake up in glory.

Damn Danny, Jesus did it for you and all you did for him was learn to play a feckin' wind instrument? Not cool man, not cool at all.

How much you care to bet that Jesus is Clyde's only friend.

Even my leisure suit and I know that a quartet has only 4 people in it.

Daddy was the only one in the family who didn't play something with strings. His instrument of choice was the skin flute.
Egads, they may have music down but someone needs to recruit a slew of better graphic designers.
Wow! SNL's "Church Lady" was in the Dixon Family (Look at the white haired chick on the far right holding the bass) before she got her own talk show!
I never knew..;)
The Inspirations - now appearing with backup singers The Perspirations.
Danny Wolfe - Jesus blows his horn.
Poor Clyde, he's got an imaginary friend with multiple personalities. The voices told him to make a record.
What IS it with those Christian groups and math? You need to compile their crazy counting into a poster. I'd buy one.
it does my heart good to see old gospel albums gently perserved in plastic.
Well done.
if I found these records in at a garage sale i'd buy every one.
I so want to browse through your record collection. And no, that's not a euphemism.
The way the Church Lady is holding the neck of her electric bass makes me feel very special.
B-52's + The Carter Family = The Dixon Family Singers. God's as big as a whale and he's about to set sail!
I love this blog.
God have mercy on their poor souls!
There's something about Clyde's face that makes me want to kiss him. With my fist.
That Dixon Family bass player scared the living hell out of me. Look at the way she is holding that ax.
You say Clyde Cranford only has Jesus for a friend, but keep your eye on that guy...he has that smarmy fat face, like Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker, famous American evangelist adulterers.
Poor Clyde.
I wish his last name was Clynford.
Clyde Clynford
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