Thursday, May 21, 2009

Admit it

Which one of you wussies was it that complained to Google about my other blog? Is it the fact that there are some pictures of women with naked boobies on there or is it the fact that others might enjoy what nature has made piss you off so much? Or do you hate the other stuff I scanned and put on there?

Seriously, which one of you is the hater?

If Google stamps out that blog I'll just put up another with the same kind of content. Then I'll also put up another blog with the same content on as many blog sites as I can find. You will never stop me from posting vintage stuff, including vintage cheesecake.


Joe said...

I hate to admit this, but I had forgotten about that other blog. Which is a damn shame. I won't forget it now, that's for sure--anyplace where I can get clowns and showgirls, along with plenty of reminders of the time when naked women in magazines had natural breasts, is fine with me.

beatgrl said...

wtf? assholes.

themom said...

string them up by their toes, or better yet, try a little "waterboarding." damn, there are the excess punctuations again.

Anonymous said...

Jesus H. Christ. don't like boobs? Then don't fucking click. It isn't hard to figure out. Hope the asshole gets outed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Boobies? There are boobies? Where are these boobies you speak of? They haz cheeseburger?

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

But dude....I love your vintage stuff.

Missy said...

I am not a fan of cheesecake, but I am all about boobs.

Mnmom said...

Some people git their knickers in a twist over the dangest stuff. Like icbinad said, don't click!

Ubermilf said...

I'm with Bubs -- I forgot about your other blog.

While I'm not the one who flagged it, I must say I am offended by the "Clown Sandwich."

Dr Zibbs said...

Why do they want to take it down? For the copyright issues or the boobs?

Freida Bee said...

Not me. I love me some vintage nakedness!

MC said...

Fuckers. No, not just fuckers. Motherfuckers. Shit eating, motherfucking pissmidgets are wrecking everything. They should all be kneecapped.