Saturday, April 25, 2009

And then there's Maude

Bea Arthur died today. Cancer got her at age 86. I know most of you know her from The Golden Girls, frankly I never liked that show much, I thought all the characters were too broad (no pun intended). I preferred her in Maude. Her character of Maude was a role model for feminist women in the 1970's.

From what I can tell Ms. Arthur had a great sense of humor and she knew of all the jokes about her having a penis or her actually being a guy because her voice was so deep. So I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind me putting a photo of this John Curin painting in a post about her death:
It's called Bea Arthur Nude and at one time it was in a Tate Gallery show, Tate Gallery for those of you who don't know is the comparable to our Museum of Modern Art in New York city.

Rest in peace Bea.


Anonymous said...

Aw geeze... I hadn't heard... poor old Bea. RIP you fiesty old broad

themom said...

She was a great wit - she will definitely be missed.

Wings1295 said...

She was hilarious, and is responsible for many, many bouts of laughter. She will be missed.

K.Line said...

Sad news. But what a great nude of her. Super obit, Monkey.

John said...

Sorry to hear of Bea's passing. Although I was young, I saw every episode of Maude and loved that show! ...there once was a man from Nantucket...Oh Walter enough! LOL

I agree about the Golden Girls, it was ok, but so predictable.

I think we're getting old!

Karen Zipdrive said...

I got to see a live taping of "Maude" at the CBS studio in Los Angeles.
After the show, they all came out to take a bow and I recall Bea Arthur and the guy who played her husband both giving Adrienne Barbeau the eye.
Nice post, Monkey.

Dr Zibbs said...

RIP - she was good.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I figured she would live forever.

Freida Bee said...

I love that painting.

Claire said...

Right on, Monkey

joe said...

If you didn't like Bea Arthur, you were just plain stupid!
... although, that painting is somewhat disturbing.... okay, it frightens the hell out of me..
.. I've just never thought of her in that way, if you know what I mean..

GETkristiLOVE said...

I'm with you Dr. Monkey - I've never seen Golden Girls, but Maude was one cool lady... I tip my 70's cardigan sweater to her.

dguzman said...

We lost a great one.