Monday, January 5, 2009

RIP Donald Westlake

One of my favorite writers, Donald Westlake, has died. He wrote all kinds of crime fiction under a few different pen names. You can read his obit here. If you've never read a Donald Westlake/Richard Stark novel, then please do so soon. He was a master storyteller and he'll be missed, especially be me.


Joe said...

Oh man, that's sad. I love the Dortmunder novels, and he wrote a bunch of brilliant screenplays too--The Grifters and Point Blank come to mind.

Wow. What a great writer. He'll be missed.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-The Dortmunder novels alone he should be lionized for.

Anonymous said...

Aw -- I love Donald Westlake. RIP indeed