Friday, January 2, 2009

It's almost over

In just a few days the lying thieving murdering chickenhawks will be out of office and this oucntry can finally begin to undo all the damage they caused us. It'll be like a super special late Christmas present to all of us. And it'll be a super special late Christmas miracle if they are both slapped in handcuffs and led off to the world court in The Hague.


Gifted Typist said...

T'will be an interesting time.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

oh i'd love to see some justice done.or at least, attempted.

Anonymous said...

Oh, darn. So soon? (I was never heard to say)

Tengrain said...

I'd just settle for seeing Chimpy and Blam-Blam frog-marched out of the inauguration when the new President says, "Arrest those men."

A boy can dream, right?

