Saturday, December 20, 2008

You want to see the cutest thing ever?

My brother has put together some clips from some old home movies that "star" me and my family. If you watch it, and it's only about 5 minutes long, you'll see my late sister Linda,
my late sister Sandy,
my late brother Charlie,

my late Mom and Dad,
my Aunt Gail and Uncle Bob,
and my brother Karl,
and me of course. I'm the little blonde kid in the red shirt with the huge head. And later you'll see me with my first ever pair of glasses as I show Mom the action figure someone gave me for Christmas.

In a way it's hard for me to watch because when I see my family again it brings back how much I miss them all since they've been gone. But in another way I love seeing all of my brothers and sisters jumping around and being happy. It's cool to see my Mom smiling again and to see Dad alive again if only for a few seconds. Ah well, enjoy the late '60's/early '70's hi-jinks of of me and my family.


Anonymous said...

Home movies, man...there's something indefinably poignant about them even if you don't know the people involved. I love watching stuff like this. And how sad to be one of the littlest monkeys jumping on the bed

Snad said...

What a delight!

K.Line said...

So happy and sad all at the same time. You're family had no fear of kid party chaos - that's for sure! And I notice how you were largely absent from the frames until the cake scene. Hmmmm. Beautiful Xmas tree too. Thanks for sharing this Monkey!

Mnmom said...

Oh Dr. Monkey - how absolutely beautiful in every sense of the word. Thank you so much for sharing that.

Distributorcap said...

i digitized all our movies
what a hoot and what emotional moments it brings

i hope these brought some smiles and pleasant thoughts and memories to you

these were great

themom said...

That's is just great. And btw...I saw where you were trying to "pin the tail on the donkey!!"

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Great home movie Dr. Monkey! Thanks for sharing!

S.M. Elliott said...

Aw, home movies are the bestest. Thanks so much.

BTW, you were a cute and normal-looking kid... When did you develop monkey-itis?

Ed said...

You've had so much loss in your life, it's hard to imagine what watching this must be like for you. Thanks for sharing this movie.

Anonymous said...

Very touching.

Joe said...

That was lovely, and poignant.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

How adorable you kids were! That must have been very bitter sweet for you to watch. I need to give that little blonde kid in the red shirt a hug.

Chris said...

At least you have the option of the video. I dont have a single one from my childhood, so your are right to treasure these. Thanks for sharing them!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Gone but not forgotten, Monkey. They left us a great guy to pal around with. Thanks.

Elizabeth said...

Monkey, this was wonderful. Thanks for being brave and sharing. You're a very, very cute little guy in these movies.

Freida Bee said...

You are a beautiful man, you know.

GETkristiLOVE said...

What, no cheesy soundtrack added? Thanks for that.

The Spicers said...

What a great home movie. I wish I had some of my childhood but we weren't a movie camera family.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Iheart-Neither were we. I'm not sure who filmed us but I'm glad they did.