Friday, December 19, 2008

I was secret Santa for...

...Dr. Zaius and Germaine Gregarious!

And I got them both a pair of latex gloves so they don't get poop on their hands when they pull the sticks out of their butts. Zing!
Ha! Just kidding.

Here's what I really got them:

Germaine likes the ladies, if you know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge, so I got her a quartet of Swedish hotties. And before anyone leaves me a comment telling me those women aren't Swedish, yes, actually they are all Swedish.

Knowing Dr. Zaius like I do, I know he loves chocolate cake. He always asks for two slices so this Christmas I got him two cakes!Sorry Dr. Z, that last cake looked so good I had to try a slice, I do hope you'll forgive me.

Happy holidays to everyone who took part in this year's secret blogger Santa gift exchange the idea for which Dr. Zaius and Germaine Gregarious came up with last year.


K.Line said...

I happen to know for a fact those women are Canadian.

Snad said...

Wow. Even if I were a Lesbian, I think I would take the cakes over the Swedes.

Distributorcap said...

you give the best gifts

Freida Bee said...

I hope they are not out of those brunettes with the big arm tatoos in the middle pic.