Wednesday, December 24, 2008


No ladies and gentlemen, I am not going into hibernation nor is the blog. It seems however that my usual barrage of political posts are for some reason, perhaps it's because of the holidays and all the good cheer that they bring me.

This year is especially good cheery because I don't have to deal with any of my crazy family who live near by and I have not had any contact with my crazy aunt and her offspring. They all bring a huge amount of stress into my life and I'm sooooooo much better off without them (if any of them read this they'll be dialing their mother to tell her I said that and just as soon as she hangs up the phone she'll take me out of her last will and testament and I have but one thing to say about that and it is, "Hooray!").

Another reason for my good cheer this week is the post holiday party glow at our place, we're both so happy so many folks came over this past Saturday and that they got to share in our first holiday in our new to us house. Sparky and I both could not be happier to be out of our old condo and in our new house, and considering we did it all while the economy was melting down is nothing short of a Christmas miracle.

But fear not my peeps, all this good cheer will only last for so long and soon I'll be back to doing political posts and sharing my opinions with you, which will piss off more than one or two of my trolls. Speaking of which, one of my trolls left me a comment, which I deleted, telling me that I should back up my opinionated political posts with facts and links. It seems that this troll has no concept of what a blog is for, especially this one. So if you're reading this Mr. Troll, and I know you are, this blog is not some term paper or academic treatise where I have to put footnotes or links in my political posts, it is however a place where I can and do make my opinions known and if that pisses you off then, well, that's just icing on the cake.

Yes, boys and girls after Christmas I'll be doing posts on the "riots" in Greece, the out going criminals who currently occupy the White House, the incoming Obama administration, and of course there'll be more anti corporate posts to coincide with the crash of our faltering free market economy. I'll be there to sift through the pieces and to interpret what happened and to speculate on what is going to happens as we watch the death throes of the conservative movement and conservative free market economics.

This burst of good cheer won't last forever, it will pass like a shoe that's been whipped at the head of our Idiot in Chief, and then I'll get back to my mix of the political and the pop cultural with a dish of silliness on the side.


Ed said...

Eeek! I seem to have fallen from your blogroll. Have I offended you in some way? If so, how can I rectify matters?

Happy Hogswatch to you and yours! May the Hogfather bless you.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ack Ed, I'm not sure how you fell off! The mistake has been corrected. You know I love you and your blogging family. Happy Festivus to you and yours!

Joe said...

Merry Christmas Doctor! Enjoy the holiday

Dale said...

All the best cheeky monkey!!

Wandering Coyote said...

Have a wonderful Christmas Dr. Monkey & Sparky!

K.Line said...

Let's face it. You've just gone wussy :-)

Have a great Xmas with Sparky in your new, beautiful home. It's been delightful getting to know you in 2008. Here's to more friendship in 2009!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you've just got to take a break from the serious.

Merry Christmas to you and Sparky!