Monday, December 22, 2008

Funny Stuff

If you have the cable or the satellite TV and you get FX on your system, then do yourself a favor and check out the show Testees some time. It's hugely misanthropic, acerbic, and funny as hell. It was made and/or produced in Canada so you know it's good.
The premise of the show is that the guys in the above photo work as human guinea pigs for a drug company. Yeah, I know, it sounds dumb but when you actually watch a whole episode, you will howl with laughter. If you haven't seen it yet I recommend catching the episode where the guys go blind for a few days, it's comedy gold.

Testees on FX, it now carries the Dr. Monkey seal of comedy approval.


pissed off patricia said...

Comcast is messing around with some of our channels so I don't know if we still get FX or not. Probably we don't.

Mnmom said...

Cable TV = victim of the economy and gone.

Anonymous said...

Slim was begging to see that show based on the name alone.

Jay Allbritton said...

I never stuck around for Testees, but the show that had been running before it--It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia--is classic. I'll check out Testees.

Elizabeth said...

You're just biased toward Canadians, you Monkey! ;)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Enc-I'm also biased towards California gals too. (wink wink)

Blueberry said...

Testees sounds great, even having a name like that gives some cred. I searched TV and can't find any airings coming up. Everything is waiting for the holidays to be over I guess.