Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Oh Caroline...

Little Merry Sunshine beat me to this punch the other day but wouldn't it have been great if it turned out that Caroline Kennedy recommended herself to Obama's running mate?
Imagine how great it would be to have a Kennedy back in the White House. But as things have turned out, she did a great job introducing her uncle, Teddy Kennedy, at the convention last night. And wasn't Teddy great too? Imagine having a brain tumor and still getting up there and making a great speech and rousing the faithful with the hope that he'll lead the fight in the Senate next year for universal health care.

I thought it was great how Caroline enumerated all the great things her uncle has fought for and won us all over the years, Medicare, voting rights for minorities and women, etc. That's the type of thing we all need to do when the other side starts in on how liberals have "destroyed" the USA. Liberals built modern America and we all, even the conservatives, have benefited from all those liberal programs they say they hate, programs like Social Security, Medicare, workers comp, etc, and it's high time we keep reminding them of it.

I loved Michelle Obama's speech. She cut through all the bull jive in the nicest way possible to show why she her family deserve to be in the White House. I can't wait to hear how FOX news spins her into being an angry black female after that speech. She was the epitome of the loving/caring/nurturing mother/wife figure. She wasn't the cold, rich, out of touch, husband stealing, platinum blond heiress who owns seven to ten houses and flies around on a private jet and also was hip deep in the Keating Five scandal and who stole from her own charity so she could buy drugs like some other presumptive nominees wives I could mention but won't.

All in all it was a little bumpy the first night at the convention and there were a few missteps. The choice of a few of the speakers was questionable and the timing of things needs to be refined but nothing was as bad as Jim Leach. Holy shit Iowans, you elected that boring man to Congress how many times? Next time I have insomnia I'll play his speech from last night and it'll put me right out. Holy crap, I feel myself slipping into a deep sleep just thinking about it..............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Sorry. I nodded off for a minute. I need to run, I've got to gird my loins for night number 2 of my mostly pundit free, I'm watching it on C-Span, 2008 Democratic Convention.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Thanks for the shout out!

CSPAN is the ONLY way to watch this.

I'm rewatching Michelle's speech on MSNBC right now and know I'm gonna cry all over again.

I haven't seen Ted Kennedy yet, I'm going to have to see him tomorrow when I have a free moment.

Jay Allbritton said...

Ted was very good, Michelle was GREAT.

How great? I do not use caps to stress words very often.

Yeah, C-SPAN is a good way to go. You don't get exposed to Matthews and Buchannan, but on the other hand if you brave the MSNBC brain drain, you do get the occasional Rachel Maddow appearance, and they didn't allow Leach's speech to get on the air.

Added bonus: When they need to stretch, there some totally insane ad libbing being done by Olbermann and Matthews that is so bad it's almost funny. The production gaffes come fast and furious. I wonder how long before we have a great moment in TV news when someone who doesn't know they're on camera does something very embarrassing.

Sparkleneely said...

Keep the commentary going... and I think you may be one of the best taggers of all time!

Elizabeth said...

I only wish I had Jim Leach's speech to listen to right now, so I could get back to sleep!

Ubermilf said...

I echo the other C-Span lovers.

I haven't had a chance to watch anything, because Dilf is out of town again, school has started and I don't have time for TV right now, but I would like to say one thing in this Leach guy's defense: he may not have been inspiring, but at least he's not an insult-hurling, truth-defying right-wing autobot.

Claire said...

Loved Michelle Obama's speech, and Ted Kennedy's, too. But I have to say that I can't picture Caroline Kennedy running for office; she's extremely private and almost never grants interviews; I don't think she could stand being in the fishbowl all the time. It's great that she's still involved behind the scenes.

Missy said...

I am glad for the recap. I had to be out yesterday. Caroline is so pretty, and what a brave and enduring woman she is!

dguzman said...

I can't believe you're not live-blogging it! That would be awesome for those of us without TVs!

MommyLisa said...

Love Caroline -

Unknown said...

Nancy Pelosi's speech was a flat-out embarassment. No one cheered for any of the "accomplishments" and she looked freaked out, and there were a lot of empty seats, and I guess there were code Pink ladies in the back heckling her.

That's what she gets for letting the shrub have his way and taking impeachment off the table. HOSTILITY.

Anonymous said...

Good to see Caroline and Teddy Kennedy last night.

One thing that puzzles the hell out of me is how my big ol' brood of Irish in-laws, who idolize the Kennedy family in every other way, have been (for the most part) such big ol' stinking Republicans.

Unknown said...

Yeah, what the hell is with Irish rethugs?! That doesn't make any sense! In Ireland, they adore Bill Clinton almost as much as Elvis. Aren't Irish-Americans communicating to the mother ship??