Friday, July 4, 2008

What's the opposite of 'Rest In Peace'?

The hatred for blacks, gays, liberals, and women reached critical mass inside the pea brain of Jesse Helms and caused it to explode and as a result it killed him in doing so. Sources tell me that he was a simmering mass of venom spitting hate near the end of his wretched contemptible life.

Helms made a living off of hate and causing whites to fear anyone who was the slightest bit different than him. He turned gays, blacks, Latinos, anyone who believes in equality between the sexes, Europeans, and anyone else who disagreed with him into stereotypes to be demonized and bashed. His whole career was based on getting elected by making people afraid, so in that respect he was Karl Rove's political father figure.

It's times like these I wish there really was a hell so that Helms could spend an eternity there getting gang raped by the unholy hordes of Ol' Scratch while being serenaded by the sound the screams of his true believers as they get gang raped by the unholy hordes of The Dark One. Hang on a second, getting gang raped by demons is too kind a fate for Helms, what I really hope happens is that everyone forgets him and his legacy of hate and fear are forgotten as soon as they toss his puss filled corpse in the ground.

Good riddance you racist homophobic piece of crap.


Elizabeth said...

Nobody likes him,
Everybody hates him!
Now he can go eat worms!

NO, I can't come up with anything more mature than that. I refuse to spend my precious time making the effort, and it's not worth it to give this guy anymore airtime in my brain.

Angry Ballerina said...

What a beautiful eulogy.

darkcrash said...

yeah, Dr Monk. The world is just a slightly better place today. It feels so good to hear this news on the 4th.

Here's me, waiting for the NY Times front page to load as I have my coffee each morning: "Cheney Dead, Cheney Dead, come on, come on...oh damn. Well, maybe tomorrow."

It WILL happen. We've got to have HOPE!!!

BC Cook said...

Helms? I thought he was already dead. But lovely news anyway.

Cheney? Not death...yet. A nice long prison sentence in a garden spot like Pelican Bay or Attica first, please.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace vs. burn in hell.

Some days I wish I believed in the eternal life.

Whiskeymarie said...

I thought the air smelled better today...

Now I know why.

Micgar said...

a more fitting eulogy for the guy can't be found. Fox news-(yes i was trying to find a damn clip, ok!) had this big banner of his hateful face with news of his passing-one of their heroes!

Suzy said...

I came here today because I knew you'd have something appropriate posted about ol' Jesse. You didn't disappoint.

Happy Fourth of July, and while I'm at it, a belated happy Third and Second of July too.

Bridget Jones said...

I do believe in an afterlife, and good euglogy as the others said.

Please watch Little Nicky. I think that he and Hitler may share the fate that the film shows.

Blueberry said...

I shed a little tear. NOT!!

That eulogy is just right.

Swinebread said...

forget Who?

Ed said...

Dick Cheney's turn. Soon, I hope.

libhom said...

Rot in Putrefaction

Distributorcap said...

i hope lots of people pay homage to him by peeing on his putrid stinkfest grave.....

i would have liked it if Jesse could have hung on to see the first black president of the country. now that would have blown up his one remaining brain cell

the world is a better place today
now for Cheney, Dobson and Robertson

lulu said...

I have a personal hared towards him, because he is the person who proposed the bill which makes it illegal for teachers to buy alcohol at American government commissaries. Fucker.