Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monkey runs wild in the streets

Well, actually I'll be walking wild in the streets. The streets of Asheville, NC that is. That's right kids, Bele Chere is going on this weekend across the mountain from us and we're meeting friends over there to take as much of it in as we can. So you'll not get much out of me today blogging wise but I'll be glad to report back on how things went on Sunday, and of course I'll have pictures too.

Have fun today kids, I know I will.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Yes, bring pictures - happy festivaling!

Elizabeth said...

That will be great. I hope you have fun!

Distributorcap said...

i love your pics

zip37602 said...

We'll be going too--for all those Jewish pastries. HUMM

Some Guy said...

Have fun! By the way, I like your new banner.

Anonymous said...

Free Smells? Isn't that a lot like Pull My Finger?

Bradda said...

Awesome new header Dr. Monkey! I want no part of free smells thank you very much!

Joe said...

SOunds like a good time. Enjoy it!