Thursday, July 31, 2008

I have a question...


Missy said...

Wow, now there is a loaded question if I ever did read one!

Bridget Jones said...

Define 'rearing'

Snad said...

More than you can get for them on the market these days, that's for sure. ANd that doesn't even include processing fees! It's tough, I'm tellin' ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure, but they're not as high in Omega-3 fats as Wild Pacific Kids

Dean Wormer said...

Not much if you feed 'em the same stuff the pigs r gettin'

Unconventional Conventionist said...

It depends; all the way to adult goats, or can we eat 'em earlier?

Bradda said...

Is this like the beginning of The Price is Right??
Then I'll bid $220 Bob!

Distributorcap said...

i got your email
i am here

Wandering Coyote said...

Hey - it's up and running!

joshhill1021 said...

Yeah it is up and running again.

C.J. said...

Hey, is it back??

Snad said...

It's up and running, but Monkey can't post. Go to the temp blog he set up at monkeyhyphenmuckdotblogspotdotcom

Ricky Shambles said...


Elizabeth said...

About a buck three-eighty.

Joe said...

Who cares what the cost is--they're DELICIOUS!

DivaJood said...

Will they be sauteed in olive oil, with a little garlic and rosemary?

vikkitikkitavi said...




Ubermilf said...

You're not blocked!

That's a relief.

mad said...

That sounds somehow obscene. Heh.

dguzman said...

WTF--was your site down or something? It's probably because you hate America.

Dr Zibbs said...

Ha! Rear!

S.M. Elliott said...

Depends on if you're eating them right away, or raising them for show. Either way, though, they probably cost more than they're worth.