Wednesday, July 23, 2008

1956 was a great year

How great was it? Well, you had machines to do your counting for you:

While you hunted for uranium for pleasure and or profit.

Holy shit, there were really people who hunted uranium for pleasure? Maybe it wasn't such a great year after all.

(Both scanned pictures come from the Feb. 1956 edition of Popular Mechanics.)


Keeper Of All Things said...

Wow my 1956 sub. ended in Jan........Thanks for showing me what I missed

Elizabeth said...

You've gotta wonder what's become of those uranium hunters now. Maybe they work for the government!

S.M. Elliott said...

A million objects a second?! No way! Next they'll be inventing machines that cook your food in 5 minutes.

Blueberry said...

I bought uranium when it was 10 cents a ton! Worked out this special deal so that I only have to keep 2 tons of it at my house. {apologies to Steve Martin}

Yeah, the Society of Recreational Uranium Hunters just sort of died out, didn't it?

Westcoast Walker said...

I heard there was a lot of infighting within S.O.U.R (Society of Uranium Recreationalists).

The more fundamentalist faction wanted nothing to do with the all that unnecessary protective gear, and wanted a more pure and "glowing" experience.

I heard some of them developed mutant powers from radiation exposure, and the rumour is that a few of them were hired on to help write some of the early Fantastic 4 comics.

Mnmom said...

Those uranium hunters needed that computer to count their cancerous tumors.

Bradda said...

How the hell is hunting for Uranium ever going to be considered for "pleasure"?!?

Distributorcap said...

finally talking about a year i was not around for!

yeah me for being so young