Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but only to people bright enough to know better

I hope they convict these two and give them the maximum sentence allowable under the law. Their action, or more correctly their lack of action, killed their daughter just as sure as if they had shot her in the head at point blank range.

They claim that their god was going to cure their daughter. The sad thing was he was indeed going to cure her. But what those idiot parents of hers don't realize is that their god was going to do it through the doctors at the local hospital.

Some people should not ever be allowed to raise children, especially religious whack jobs.


pissed off patricia said...

I have often said there should be a mental test required before people can have kids. I don't mean a test for mentally challenged, I mean a test for common sense.

At the very least they should be charged with negligent homicide.

Ubermilf said...

What a terrible, terrible shame.

We can add this to the pile of crimes against children.

Mnmom said...


Cup said...

Unfortunately, their ilk will probably turn this couple into martyrs.

Wandering Coyote said...

What a tragic story. Unbelievable, really. I had a dyslexic friend who was told by some religious person (I'm not sure who it was) that God would cure her dyslexia if she only would pray hard enough...GR!

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I heard this joke one time about a guy who hears a radio alert that a flood is coming, but does nothing. The flood indeed does come and floods the area so badly that he must seek refuge by going to his attic. While sitting on the roof, a guy comes up in a little putt-putt boat and offers the guy a rescue. He responds by saying "thank you, but God will save me." The flood waters continue to rise and now the guy has to evacuate the attic and goes to his roof. Soon a helicopter flies by and the pilot shouts down that he'll drop a rope ladder to get the guy off the roof. Again the guy says "thank you, but God will save me."

The next thing you know, the guy is up in Heaven. The flood waters carried him away and he drowned. As he's walking through Heaven, he sees God and says "God, I believed in you my whole life, but when I needed you, you let me down. Why?" God replies, "I sent you a radio alert to warn you of the flood, a boat to rescue you from the attic and a helicopter to get you off your roof. What more did you want?"

God DID try to save their daughter. He helped researchers come up with ways to treat diabetes and manage it so it does not have to be fatal. What more did they want?

By the way, Dr. Monkey, did you notice that the parents run a coffee shop called "Monkey Mo Coffee Shop"?

Claire said...

Idiots. You're exactly right, God did try to cure her, through the medical treatments that have been developed over the last 50 years. No one needs to die from diabetes anymore. Morons.

Nan said...

The really mind-boggling part was the father saying he'd do the exact same thing if one of the other kids got sick. Unbelievable. Some people definitely should not be allowed to breed.

dguzman said...

We can only hope that the other kids will be taken away from these murderers. Negligent homicide, at the very minimum.

Joe said...

Little Merry, I love that story. I use it all the time.

Good lord, what a horror story. What is becoming of us? These people give homeschooling, Christianity and parenting itself a bad name.

Mauigirl said...

It is really tragic. As you all have said, the way God, if He or She exists, cures people, is through the brains He gave us to come up with medical cures.