Yo Michael Vick, why so tense?

Are you uptight that your boyz in da hood were all gonna testify against you? Is that why you're gonna plead guilty to the dog fighting charges? Is that why you're kicking that mutt?
I knew that was it. Dude tell me, how many years do you think you'll do in the pen?

Only two?
What about the state charges? What do you think of those?

Man you are defiant to the end, aren't you? You know what Mike? I hope they all, the feds and the Commonwealth of VA, throw the book at you, you damn greedy animal hating prick. You picked the one thing to do as a hobby, dog fighting, that unites all of America in a new hatred for you. You had it all, money, fame, women, a Nike shoe contract, and a pro sports career but you tossed it all aside so you could force dogs to fight and kill one another for your amusement. Well it looks like you and your
stupid brother Marcus are pretty much alike after all. Only it took him way less time to fuck up like you did and maybe he's actually the smart one in your family because after all his antics only got him thrown off the VA Tech football team and yours are gonna get your ass landed in a Federal Penitentiary.
Maybe your stupid redneck ass thinks there is some special penitentiary for NFL players. Well pal, I'm here to tell you there's not. Just ask
Rae Carruth. He'll tell you, when he's not being anally raped by an Aryan Brotherhood gang member that is, that you're dumb ass is going to the big house, the gray bar hotel and it's not gonna be pretty.

Maybe your stupid ass thinks that because you're a sports millionaire you'll get to go to a coed prison or maybe to a women's prison. Nope. Wrong again. You're going in the joint baby. And if there is any justice you're dumb ass is gonna be as overstuffed with you know what just like this shitty ravioli is.

Mikey, I just wanted to give you the heads up that what you're going to is not this:

But this:

So unless you want to end up like little Linda Blair then I'd watch out for broomsticks near my rectum if I was you. Or maybe you better use those millions you got to stock up on lube so when you do get a broom handle shoved up where the sun don't shine then it won't hurt so bad.

Maybe you can find Jesus in prison. I hear he's quite easy to find in there. Maybe Jesus will protect your dumb ass in the big house.
Wait, I got an idea Mikey. If it turns out that you like the anal play, then when you get out of prison instead of trying to get back into the NFL you can ease into making gay porn. Hell dude, you already have a porn name, you remember it's the alias you used to use when you boinked groupies and gave them herpes. Say it with me Mikey:
Dude, I am so happy you are going to lose your NFL job and your shoe contract with Nike and all that money down the line. Prison could not have happened to a more deserving asshole. You damn insensitive murdering prick. I hope you rot in Federal and or state prison for the rest of your sorry life.
I hope the prison he goes to has lots of big, mean guard dogs who have heard about him and can hardly wait.
Thanks to Infidel, I just had this image of Michael Vick being sodomized by guard dogs. And you know what? It couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow who isn't in the Bush administration.
Well said, Samuraifrog!
I'm amazed that he's pleading guilty today; can't believe he didn't try to buy his way out. I heard they're expecting to give him 12 months or so in da big howse.
On a political/race card note, do you think we'd have seen the same outcome if he had been a white guy? I wonder -- normally, I'd say no, but you're right -- EVERYONE loves dogs, and I'd be shocked if people forgave a white, black, or purple guy for hurting dogs. What do you think?
It wouldn't matter what color he is or who he plays for or anything with me. What matters is he is a dog murdering son of a bitch and I hope he pays with time in prison and money, lots of money. It doesn't matter how long he is in jail, he cannot grow a heart in a heartless soul.
Now the NFL should ban his nasty ass for life. If they don't, they should hear from all of us.
Infidel-I could not agree more.
Samurai-Too true.
DGuzman-It's already started. I hear some are saying he's getting a raw deal because he is a celeb.
Pissed-I agree. I hope even the CFL bans him.
Good grief, Samurai Frog, your vision of "Rover's Revenge" is far more evil and imaginative than mine! I love it!
Not sure it would be practical though -- even dogs must have some standards.
Maybe see if they'll chew on this.
Two things about this in our local paper over the last few days:
One was a letter to the editor saying no one should be punished for fighting dogs as long as abortion is allowed.
The other one was an AP story about how the Atlanta Humane Society is being inundated with donations of cast-off Vick jerseys, which they are poetically using as animal bedding and cleaning rags.
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