Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Real Monkerstein Record Collection

From time to time I like to post weird and wacky looking album covers and I throw in a snarky smart ass comment or two about them. Some of you have asked if I really owned those albums and the answer would be no. But as I have written before I do collect cheesy and artsy album covers and I am allowed to frame and display some of them in our home. Here are some of my favorites that we have currently hanging up here at el Casa de Monkey.

My gf actually found this one. I love the artwork on this one.

I nearly plotzed when I found this cartoony looking album cover. I snapped it up right off.

This is a grouping of album covers we bought and framed. My gf found the two on the left and the one in the bottom center. I found the top center one and the one on the top right at a thrift store in Hickory, NC. The Dave Brubeck cover I found at an antique/thrift store in Morehead City, NC.
I love this one. The big head purple woman juxtaposed with the flame is really cool. I got this one the same place I found the cartoony Porgy and Bess one.
Rod McKuen was one of the first poets I was exposed to, geez that sounds dirty doesn't it? My mother loved loved loved Rod and she bought all his books and albums. I remember listening to this one when I was little, she played it over and over again. When I found this one at a flea market years ago I would have paid up to $20 for it, lucky for me I got it for a buck.
This has to be one of the best covers Elvis has done. It's from his "country" album which I admit I hated when it first came out. But as the years have gone by I have learned to love it. I love the Rhino Records reissue even more because it has that bonus CD with all those extra tracks on it, I especially love the song Psycho on that bonus CD.

We've got more framed covers and I may put them on here one day but that's all for now.


Joe said...

I've got a bunch of Hawaii/tiki/exotica themed albums I picked up at 2nd hand stores that I plan on using as decorations behind the tiki bar (the records inside are either crap or worn out)

I love that Elvis record.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-I gleefully toss the records when I buy album covers. Or I use them to make art with and then toss them.

Distributorcap said...

do you have any covers designed by Jim Flora --- his album artwork is the best....

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Distrib-I have heard that name but I don't think I have any by Mr. Flora. Thanks for stopping by and blogrolling me on your blog. I'll add you to mine as well.

Becca said...

What a fun collection, I'm such a geek for stuff like this!