- the earth was the center of of the solar system
- the sun revolves around the earth
- slavery was fine because it's mentioned positively in their bible
- autopsies are bad because their god won't reanimate sliced up bodies on Judgment day
- forks, coffee, vaccinations, and lefthandness are evil and tools of the devil
- child labor is a good thing
- science is a lie designed by the devil to lead people astray
- racial discrimination is a good thing
- marriage equality is bad.
Religion, always bad, always holding us back.
Hear, hear. I starting having strong doubts by age 6, but still had to go to church every fucking weekend. From the beginning I recognized mass as bad theater. What a fucking bore. If you are going to present me with fiction, at least have better story lines, costumes, and music (although the pope's get-up is swell in a really queeny way).