That beauty in the above photo is Heather Dale. Ms. Dale is a Canadian performer who writes and sings songs based on medieval legends and other tales. She's a terrific singer with an angelic voice and her songs are moving and inspiring. I can't say enough good things about this gal.
I discovered her through the music service called Freegal, which is available through most libraries, but if yours doesn't have it, ask for it. I downloaded about 10 of her songs and I was so captivated by her music and her voice that I bought more off her website. She was kind enough to 'friend' me on Facebook and since then she's been super nice and a pleasure to know, even if only digitally.
I doubt she'll make to east TN where I live, although she will be in Nashville, which is about five hours west of me, in March. She's also working on crowd funding a multi media touring project and you can read more about it on her website. But if you're not inclined to go there now, here she is talking about her project:
I'm going to kick in a few bucks in a week or so because I think it's a worthy project and I was one of those nerdy kids she talks about in this video. I grew up in a small town and I thought I'd never meet anyone who was into the 'nerdy' stuff I liked, sci fi, fantasy, medieval and other historical stuff. As time went on I did find others and I'm glad I did. I'm also glad Ms. Dale is out there bringing her talent to the masses and trying to connect with other 'nerds' like me.
I also like it that she likes pie and that she's the most adorable Canadian since Sarah Polley. Do yourself a favor, check her out and if you can donate five or ten bucks to her project, then have at it. You can also hear more of her music on You Tube.
Cool. I'm definitely going to check her out.